1. No liquor or beer will be sold except when the bartender is on duty and during scheduled hours.
2. Use of the lounge is restricted to:3. Consequences:A. Members of The American Legion in good standing. Good standing means that member has on his person a current Legion card which he must show on request. Cards expire on Dec. 31st of each year and will not be honored beyond that date.
B. Same rules for Auxiliaries and S.A.L.s applies.
C. Guest of “members” will be permitted providing that guest is accompanied by member at all times. Member must sign his name and the name of his or her guest(s) and are responsible for the conduct of all parties. If a member leaves the premises, the guest must also leave. The bartender shall have the guest book at the bar and is responsible for seeing that it is properly maintained.D. No one not having attained the legal age of 21 will be permitted to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages in the lounge.
A. In the event of uncontrolled misconduct by either a member or guest the member and/or guest will be requested to leave.
B. The word misconduct herein includes the use of obscene, or profane language.
C. No weapons are permitted, including sheath knives.
D. No one will be permitted in the lounge improperly or indecently dressed. Bathing suits, short shorts, halter tops are prohibited.E. No shoes, no shirt, no service.
F. The bartender on duty nor the manager makes the rules. They are paid employees and must carry out the orders of the Lounge Committee and the Executive Committee.
G. The bartender shall report in writing to management any unpleasant incidents, also will in turn refer the matter to the Commander for presentation to the Executive Committee. Any member may report in writing, another member whose conduct is detrimental to the Club. The same procedure as above will be followed.
H. No other persons but the bartender or duly authorized persons on duty will be allowed behind the bar.